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Web server¤

For starting, accessing, and manipulating of a web server, ASAB provides asab.web module together with asab.WebService and asab.web.WebContainer. This module offers an integration of aiohttp web server. It is possible to run multiple web servers from one application. The configuration for each server is stored in dedicated web container. Web Service registers these containers and runs the servers.


For a quick start, we recommend reading the official aiohttp tutorial on how to run a simple web server.

In order to use ASAB Web Service, first make sure that you have aiohttp module installed:

python3 -m pip install aiohttp

Handlers, routes, and resources¤

aiohttp servers use the concept of handlers, routes, and resources. Here we provide a very quick explanation that should help you to get into the terminology.

  • Handler, more precisely "a web request handler", is a function that does the logic when you send an HTTP request to the endpoint. It is a coroutine that accepts aiohttp.web.Request instance as its only parameter and returns a aiohttp.web.Response object.

    async def handler(request):
        return aiohttp.web.Response()
  • Route corresponds to handling HTTP method by calling web handler. Routes are added to the route table that is stored in the Web Application object.

        [web.get('/path1', get_1),'/path1', post_1),
        web.get('/path2', get_2),'/path2', post_2)]
  • Resource is an entry in route table which corresponds to requested URL. Resource in turn has at least one route. When you add a route, the resource object is created under the hood.

Running a simple web server¤

Creating a web server 1: One method does it all!

To build a web server quickly, ASAB provides a method asab.web.create_web_server() that does all the magic.

import asab.web
import aiohttp

class MyApplication(asab.Application):
    async def initialize(): #(1)!
        web = asab.web.create_web_server(self) #(2)!
        web.add_get('/hello', self.hello) #(3)!

    # This is the web request handler
    async def hello(self, request): #(4)!
        return aiohttp.web.Response(data="Hello from your ASAB server!\n")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = MyApplication()
  1. Web server configuration should be prepared during the init-time of the application lifecycle.
  2. asab.web.create_web_server() creates web server and returns instance of aiohttp.web.UrlDispatcher object (which is usually referred to as a "router"). The method takes the argument app which is used as the reference to the base asab.Application object, and optional parameters that expand configuration options.
  3. You can easily create a new endpoint by aiohttp.web.UrlDispatcher.add_route() method that appends a request handler to the router table. This one is a shortcut for adding a GET handler.
  4. A request handler must be a coroutine that accepts aiohttp.web.Request instance as its only parameter and returns aiohttp.web.Response instance.

By default, ASAB server runs on You can test if your server is working by sending a request to the /hello endpoint, e.g., via the curl command:

curl http://localhost:8080/hello

and you should get the response:

Hello from your ASAB server!

Creating a web server 2: Under the hood.

The code below does exactly the same as in the previous example.

import asab.web
import aiohttp

class MyApplication(asab.Application):

    async def initialize(self):
        self.add_module(asab.web.Module)  #(1)!
        self.WebService = self.get_service("asab.WebService") #(2)!

        self.WebContainer = asab.web.WebContainer( #(3)!
            config={"listen": ""}

        self.WebContainer.WebApp.router.add_get('/hello', self.hello) #(4)!

    # This is the web request handler
    async def hello(self, request): #(5)!
        return aiohttp.web.Response(text='Hello from your ASAB server!\n')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = MyApplication()
  1. In order to use asab.WebService, first import the corresponding asab.web.Module...
  2. ...and then locate the Service.
  3. Creates the Web container, which is instance of asab.Config.Configurable object that stores the configuration such as the actual web application.
  4. asab.web.WebContainer.WebApp is instance of aiohttp.web.Application object. To create a new endpoint, use methods for aiohttp.web.Application.router object.
  5. A request handler must be a coroutine that accepts aiohttp.web.Request instance as its only parameter and returns aiohttp.web.Response instance.


Resources may also have variable path, see the documentation.

web.get('/users/{user}/age', user_age_handler)
web.get(r'/{name:\d+}', name_handler)


aiohttp also supports the Flask style for creating web request handlers via decorators. ASAB applications use the Django style way of creating routes, i.e. without decorators.

Web server configuration¤

Configuration is passed to the asab.web.WebContainer object.

Parameter Meaning
listen The socket address to which the web server will listen
backlog A number of unaccepted connections that the system will allow before refusing new connections, see socket.socket.listen() for details
rootdir The root path for the server. In case of many web containers, each one can implement a different root
servertokens Controls whether 'Server' response header field is included ('full') or faked ('prod')
cors See Cross-Origin Resource Sharing section
body_max_size Client's maximum size in a request, in bytes. If a POST request exceeds this value, aiohttp.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge exception is raised. See the documentation for more information
cors Contents of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. See the CORS section
cors_preflight_paths Pattern for endpoints that shall return responses to pre-flight requests (OPTIONS). Value must start with "/". See the CORS section

The default configuration¤

listen= 8080
cors_preflight_paths=/openidconnect/*, /test/*

Socket addresses¤

The default configuration of the web socket address in asab.web.WebContainer is the following:


Multiple listening interfaces can be specified:

    :: 8080

Multiple listening interfaces, one with HTTPS (TLS/SSL) can be specified:

listen: 8080
    :: 8080 8443 ssl:web


Multiple interfaces, one with HTTPS (inline):

listen: 8080
    :: 8080 8443 ssl

# The SSL parameters are inside of the WebContainer section

You can also enable listening on TCP port 8080, IPv4 and IPv6 if applicable:



asab.web.create_web_server(app, section='web', config=None, api=False) ¤

Build the web server with the specified configuration.

It is an user convenience function that simplifies typical way of how the web server is created.


Name Type Description Default
app Application

A reference to the ASAB Application.

section str

Configuration section name with which the WebContainer will be created.

config dict | None

Additional server configuration.



Type Description


class MyApplication(asab.Application):
        async def initialize(self):
                web = asab.web.create_web_server(self)
                web.add_get('/hello', self.hello)

        async def hello(self, request):
                return, data="Hello, world!
Source code in asab/web/
def create_web_server(app, section: str = "web", config: typing.Optional[dict] = None, api: bool = False) -> aiohttp.web.UrlDispatcher:
Build the web server with the specified configuration.

It is an user convenience function that simplifies typical way of how the web server is created.

	app (asab.Application): A reference to the ASAB Application.
	section (str): Configuration section name with which the WebContainer will be created.
	config (dict | None): Additional server configuration.

	[WebContainer Application Router object](


class MyApplication(asab.Application):
	async def initialize(self):
		web = asab.web.create_web_server(self)
		web.add_get('/hello', self.hello)

	async def hello(self, request):
		return, data="Hello, world!\n")

	websvc = app.get_service("asab.WebService")
	container = WebContainer(websvc, section, config=config)

	if api:
		# The DiscoverySession is functional only with ApiService initialized.
		from ..api import ApiService
		apisvc = ApiService(app)

	return container.WebApp.router

asab.web.service.WebService ¤

Bases: Service

Service for running and easy manipulation of the web server. It is used for registering and running the web container as well as initialization of web request metrics.

It should be used together with asab.web.WebContainer object that handles the web configuration.


from asab.web import Module
web_service = self.get_service("asab.WebService")
container = asab.web.WebContainer(
        config={"listen": ""}
Source code in asab/web/
class WebService(Service):
	Service for running and easy manipulation of the web server.
	It is used for registering and running the web container as well as initialization of web request metrics.

	It should be used together with [`asab.web.WebContainer`](#asab.web.WebContainer) object that handles the web configuration.


	from asab.web import Module
	web_service = self.get_service("asab.WebService")
	container = asab.web.WebContainer(
		config={"listen": ""}

	ConfigSectionAliases = ["asab:web"]

	def __init__(self, app, service_name):
		super().__init__(app, service_name)

		# Web service is dependent on Metrics service
		if Config.getboolean("asab:metrics", "web_requests_metrics", fallback=False):
			self.MetricsService = app.get_service("asab.MetricsService")
			self.WebRequestsMetrics = WebRequestsMetrics(self.MetricsService)
		self.Containers = {}

	async def finalize(self, app):
		for containers in self.Containers.values():
			await containers._stop(app)

	def _register_container(self, container, config_section_name: str):
		self.Containers[config_section_name] = container

	def WebApp(self):
		An obsolete property only for maintaining backward compatibility. Please use `asab.web.WebContainer.WebApp` instead.
		return self.WebContainer.WebApp

	def WebContainer(self):
		An obsolete property only for maintaining backward compatibility. Please use `asab.web.WebContainer` instead.
		config_section = "web"

		# The WebContainer should be configured in the config section [web]
		if config_section not in Config.sections():
			# If there is no [web] section, try other aliases for backwards compatibility
			for alias in self.ConfigSectionAliases:
				if alias in Config.sections():
					config_section = alias
					L.warning("Using obsolete config section [{}]. Preferred section name is [web]. ".format(alias))
				raise RuntimeError("No [web] section configured.")

			return self.Containers[config_section]
		except KeyError:
			from .container import WebContainer
			return WebContainer(self, config_section)

WebApp property ¤

An obsolete property only for maintaining backward compatibility. Please use asab.web.WebContainer.WebApp instead.

WebContainer property ¤

An obsolete property only for maintaining backward compatibility. Please use asab.web.WebContainer instead.

asab.web.WebContainer ¤

Bases: Configurable

Configurable object that serves as a backend for asab.WebService. It contains everything needed for the web server existence, namely all the configuration and the server Application object.

Source code in asab/web/
class WebContainer(Configurable):
	Configurable object that serves as a backend for `asab.WebService`.
	It contains everything needed for the web server existence, namely all the configuration and the server Application object.

	ConfigDefaults = {
		'listen': ' 8080',  # Can be multiline
		'backlog': 128,
		'rootdir': '',
		'servertokens': 'full',  # Controls whether 'Server' response header field is included ('full') or faked 'prod' ()
		'cors': '',
		'cors_preflight_paths': '/openidconnect/*, /test/*',
		'body_max_size': 1024**2,  # Client’s maximum body size in a request, in bytes

	def __init__(self, websvc: WebService, config_section_name: str, config: typing.Optional[dict] = None):
		super().__init__(config_section_name=config_section_name, config=config)

		self.Addresses = None  # The address is available only after `WebContainer.started!` PubSub message is published.
		self.BackLog = int(self.Config.get("backlog"))
		self.CORS = self.Config.get("cors")

		servertokens = self.Config.get("servertokens")
		if servertokens == 'prod':
			# Because we cannot remove token completely
			self.ServerTokens = "asab"
			from .. import __version__
			self.ServerTokens = aiohttp.web_response.SERVER_SOFTWARE + " asab/" + __version__

		# Parse listen address(es), can be multiline configuration item
		ls = self.Config.get("listen")
		self._listen = []
		for line in ls.split('\n'):
			line = line.strip()
			if len(line) == 0:

			if ' ' in line:
				line = re.split(r"\s+", line)
				# This line allows the (obsolete) format of IPv4 with ':'
				# such as ""
				line = re.split(r"[:\s]", line, 1)

			if all([c in '0123456789' for c in line[0]]):
				# If the first item is a number, consider that a port number
				addr = ["", "::"]  # We want to listen on IPv4 and IPv6
				port = line.pop(0).strip()
				port = int(port)
				# First item is a port, a second is an IP address of the network interface to listen to
				addr = line.pop(0).strip()
				port = line.pop(0).strip()
				port = int(port)
			ssl_context = None

			for param in line:
				if param.startswith('ssl:'):
					# Dedicated section for SSL
					ssl_context = SSLContextBuilder(param, config=self.Config).build()
					# SSL parameters are included in the current config section
				elif param.startswith('ssl'):
					ssl_context = SSLContextBuilder("<none>", config=self.Config).build()
					raise RuntimeError(
						"Unknown listen parameter in section [{}]: {}".format(config_section_name, param)

			if isinstance(addr, list):
				for a in addr:
					self._listen.append((a, port, ssl_context))
				self._listen.append((addr, port, ssl_context))

		if len(self._listen) == 0:
			L.warning("Missing configuration.")

		client_max_size = int(self.Config.get("body_max_size"))
		self.WebApp: aiohttp.web.Application = aiohttp.web.Application(client_max_size=client_max_size)
		The Web Application object. See [aiohttp documentation]( for the details.

		It is a *dict-like* object, so you can use it for sharing data globally by storing arbitrary properties for later access from a handler.

			WebApp["app"] (asab.Application): Reference to the ASAB Application.

			WebApp["rootdir"] (asab.web.staticdir.StaticDirProvider): Reference to the root path specified by `rootdir` configuration.
		self.WebApp['app'] = websvc.App

		rootdir = self.Config.get("rootdir")
		if len(rootdir) > 0:
			from .staticdir import StaticDirProvider
			self.WebApp['rootdir'] = StaticDirProvider(self.WebApp, root='/', path=rootdir)

		access_log = logging.getLogger(__name__[:__name__.rfind('.')] + '.al')
		access_log.App = websvc.App

		self.WebAppRunner = aiohttp.web.AppRunner(

		websvc._register_container(self, config_section_name)

		if self.CORS != "":
			preflight_str = self.Config["cors_preflight_paths"].strip("\n").replace("*", "{tail:.*}")
			preflight_paths = re.split(r"[,\s]+", preflight_str, re.MULTILINE)


	async def _start(self, app: Application):
		await self.WebAppRunner.setup()

		for addr, port, ssl_context in self._listen:
			site = aiohttp.web.TCPSite(
				host=addr, port=port, backlog=self.BackLog,
				await site.start()
			except OSError as err:
				L.error("Cannot start web server: {}".format(err), struct_data={'address': addr, 'port': port})

			if isinstance(site, aiohttp.web_runner.TCPSite):
				for address in site._runner.addresses:
					if self.Addresses is None:
						self.Addresses = []

		self.WebApp['app'].PubSub.publish("WebContainer.started!", self)

	async def _stop(self, app: Application):
		self.WebApp['app'].PubSub.publish("WebContainer.stopped!", self)
		await self.WebAppRunner.cleanup()

	def add_preflight_handlers(self, preflight_paths: typing.List[str]):
		Add handlers with preflight resources.

		Preflight requests are sent by the browser, for some cross domain request (custom header etc.).
		Browser sends preflight request first.
		It is request on the same endpoint as app demanded request, but of **OPTIONS** method.
		Only when satisfactory response is returned, browser proceeds with sending original request.
		Use `cors_preflight_paths` option to specify all paths and path prefixes (separated by comma) for which you
		want to allow **OPTIONS** method for preflight requests.

			preflight_paths (list[str]): List of routes that will be provided with **OPTIONS** handler.
		for path in preflight_paths:
			self.WebApp.router.add_route("OPTIONS", path, self._preflight_handler)

	async def _preflight_handler(self, request):
			return aiohttp.web.HTTPNoContent(headers={
				"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": request.headers.get("Origin", "*"),
				"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "GET, POST, OPTIONS",
				"Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "X-PINGOTHER, Content-Type, Authorization",
				"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": "true",
				"Access-Control-Max-Age": "86400",

	async def _on_prepare_response(self, request, response):
		response.headers['Server'] = self.ServerTokens

		if self.CORS != "":
			# TODO: Be more precise about "allow origin" header
			response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = "*"
			response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = "GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, PATCH, OPTIONS"

	def get_ports(self) -> typing.List[str]:
		Return list of available ports.

			(list[str]) List of ports.
		ports = []
		for addr, port, ssl_context in self._listen:
		return ports

WebApp = aiohttp.web.Application(client_max_size=client_max_size) instance-attribute ¤

The Web Application object. See aiohttp documentation for the details.

It is a dict-like object, so you can use it for sharing data globally by storing arbitrary properties for later access from a handler.


Name Type Description
WebApp["app"] Application

Reference to the ASAB Application.

WebApp["rootdir"] StaticDirProvider

Reference to the root path specified by rootdir configuration.

add_preflight_handlers(preflight_paths) ¤

Add handlers with preflight resources.

Preflight requests are sent by the browser, for some cross domain request (custom header etc.). Browser sends preflight request first. It is request on the same endpoint as app demanded request, but of OPTIONS method. Only when satisfactory response is returned, browser proceeds with sending original request. Use cors_preflight_paths option to specify all paths and path prefixes (separated by comma) for which you want to allow OPTIONS method for preflight requests.


Name Type Description Default
preflight_paths list[str]

List of routes that will be provided with OPTIONS handler.

Source code in asab/web/
def add_preflight_handlers(self, preflight_paths: typing.List[str]):
	Add handlers with preflight resources.

	Preflight requests are sent by the browser, for some cross domain request (custom header etc.).
	Browser sends preflight request first.
	It is request on the same endpoint as app demanded request, but of **OPTIONS** method.
	Only when satisfactory response is returned, browser proceeds with sending original request.
	Use `cors_preflight_paths` option to specify all paths and path prefixes (separated by comma) for which you
	want to allow **OPTIONS** method for preflight requests.

		preflight_paths (list[str]): List of routes that will be provided with **OPTIONS** handler.
	for path in preflight_paths:
		self.WebApp.router.add_route("OPTIONS", path, self._preflight_handler)

get_ports() ¤

Return list of available ports.


Type Description

(list[str]) List of ports.

Source code in asab/web/
def get_ports(self) -> typing.List[str]:
	Return list of available ports.

		(list[str]) List of ports.
	ports = []
	for addr, port, ssl_context in self._listen:
	return ports