Credentials are users. Credentials are represented by user names and can include an email address and phone number as supplemental information. You can assign tenants and roles to credentials, as well as manage credentials' sessions.
Credentials page¶
On the Credentials screen, you can see information for each set of credentials:
- Name: The username that the user logs in with
- Provider: The type of credentials, which can be ext (human), or machine.
- Tenants: Which tenants are assigned to the credentials
- Roles: Which roles are assigned to the credentials
Create new credentials¶
- To create a new user, click Create new credentials on the Credentials page.
- Choose a provider from the dropdown: human or machine.
- Enter a username.
- Enter an email address and phone number (optional).
- To email the user instructions for setting their password, select Send instructions to set password.
- Click Create credentials.
Bulk actions¶
Bulk actions allow you to assign multiple roles and tenants to multiple users at the same time. To enter bulk actions mode, click Bulk actions at the top of the screen.