SP-Lang Expressions¤
Expressions in SP-Lang are written as YAML tags directives.
List of expressions¤
Expression | Type | Category | Description |
sequence | aggregate | Counts the number of items. |
!MIN |
sequence | aggregate | Calculates the minimum from a list of items. |
!MAX |
sequence | aggregate | Calculates the maximum from a list of items. |
!AVG |
sequence | aggregate | Calculates the average (arithmetic mean) of items in a list. |
sequence | aggregate | Finds the median (middle value) of a list of items. |
sequence | aggregate | Finds the value that appears most often. |
sequence | aggregate | Finds the difference between the highest and smallest value. |
!ADD |
sequence | arithmetic | Addition. |
!SUB |
sequence | arithmetic | Subtraction. |
!MUL |
sequence | arithmetic | Multiplication. |
!DIV |
sequence | arithmetic | Division. |
!MOD |
sequence | arithmetic | Modulo. |
!POW |
sequence | arithmetic | Exponentiation. |
!ABS |
mapping | arithmetic | Absolute value. |
!SHL |
mapping | bitwise | Left logical shift. |
!SHR |
mapping | bitwise | Right logical shift. |
!SAL |
mapping | bitwise | Left arithmetic shift. |
!ROL |
mapping | bitwise | Circular rotation to the left. |
!ROR |
mapping | bitwise | Circular rotation to the right. |
!EQ |
sequence | comparisons | Equal to. |
!NE |
sequence | comparisons | Not equal to. |
!LT |
sequence | comparisons | Less than. |
!LE |
sequence | comparisons | Less than or equal to. |
!GT |
sequence | comparisons | Greater than. |
!GE |
sequence | comparisons | Greater than or equal to. |
!IN |
mapping | comparisons | Membership test. |
!IF |
mapping | control | Simple conditional branching. |
sequence | control | Powerful branching. |
mapping | control | Pattern matching. |
!TRY |
sequence | control | Execute till first non-error expression. |
!MAP |
mapping | control | Apply the expression on each element in a sequence. |
mapping | control | Reduce the elements of an list into a single value. |
scalar | directives | Inserts the content of another file. |
scalar | function | Gets a function argument. |
!ARG |
scalar | function | Gets a function argument. |
mapping | function | Defines a new function. |
!FN |
mapping | function | Defines a new function. |
mapping | function | Applies the current function, used for recursion. |
mapping | ip | Converts an IP address into a string. |
mapping | ip | Check if IP address falls into a subnet. |
!GET |
mapping | json | Gets a single value from JSON. |
mapping | json | Parses JSON. |
mapping | list | Creates a list of items. |
!GET |
mapping | list | Gets a single item from a list. |
!AND |
sequence | logic | Conjunction. |
!OR |
sequence | logic | Disjunction. |
!NOT |
sequence | logic | Negation. |
mapping | lookup | Creates a new lookup. |
!GET |
mapping | lookup | Gets items from a lookup. |
IN |
mapping | lookup | Checks if an item is in a lookup. |
mapping | record | A collection of named items. |
!GET |
mapping | record | Gets the item from a record. |
regex | Regular expression search. | |
mapping | regex | Regular expression replace. |
mapping | regex | Split a string by a regular expression. |
mapping | regex | Find all occurrences by a regular expression. |
mapping | regex | Parse by a regular expression. |
!SET |
mapping | set | Set of items. |
!IN |
mapping | set | Membership test. |
!IN |
mapping | string | Tests if a string contains a substring. |
mapping | string | Tests whether a string starts with a selected prefix. |
mapping | string | Tests whether a string ends with a selected suffix. |
mapping | string | Extracts part of a string. |
mapping | string | Transforms a string into lowercase. |
mapping | string | Transforms a string into uppercase. |
!CUT |
mapping | string | Cuts the string and returns a selected part. |
mapping | string | Splits a string into a list. |
mapping | string | Splits a string from right into a list. |
mapping | string | Joins a list of strings. |
mapping | tuple | A collection of items. |
!GET |
mapping | tuple | Get item from a tuple. |
mapping | utility | Converts type of the argument into another. |
mapping | utility | Calculates a digest. |
mapping | utility | Debugs the expression. |