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Dictionary expressions¤


The dict (aka dictionary) store a collection of (key, value) pairs, such that each possible key appears at most once in the collection. Keys in the dictionary must be of the same type as well as values.

An item is a (key, value) pair, represented as a tuple.


You may know this structure under alternative names "associative array" or "map".

  • !DICT: Dictionary.
  • !GET: Get the value from a dictionary.
  • !IN: Membership test.



Type: Mapping

  <key1>: <value1>
  <key2>: <value2>
  <key3>: <value3>


Use !COUNT to determine number of items in the dictionary.


There are several ways, how a dictionary can be specified in SP-Lang:

  key1: "One"
  key2: "Two"
  key3: "Three"

Implicit dictionary:

key1: "One"
key2: "Two"
key3: "Three"

Concise dictionary using !!dict and YAML flow style:

!!dict {key1: "One", key2: "Two", key3: "Three"}

Type specification¤

The type of dictionary is denoted as {Tk:Tv}, where Tk is a type of the key and Tv is a type of value. For more info about the dictionary type, continue to the relevant chapter in a type system.

The dictionary will try to infer its type based on the items added. The type of the first item will likely provide the key type Tk and the value type Tv. If the dictionary is empty, its inferred type is {str:si64}.

You can override this by using the explicit type specification:

type: "{str:any}"
  <key1>: <value1>
  <key2>: <value2>
  <key3>: <value3>

type is an optional argument containing a string with the dictionary signature that will be used instead of type inference from children.

In the above example, the type of the dictionary is {str:any}, the type of key is str and the type of values is any.


Get the value from a dictionary.

Type: Mapping.

what: <key>
from: <dict>
default: <value>

Get the item from the dict (dictionary) identified by the key.

If the key is not found, return default or error if default is not provided. default is optional.


what: 3
    1: "One"
    2: "Two"
    3: "Three"

Returns Three.


Membership test.

Type: Mapping.

what: <key>
where: <dict>

Check if key is present in the dict.


The expression !IN is described in the Comparisons chapter.


what: 3
    1: "One"
    2: "Two"
    3: "Three"